
Late February of 2012 Mark was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma Cancer. This is written for our family and friends who have so caringly expressed a desire to know of the current situation. We so appreciate the love and support that has been shown to us and we lovingly empathize with and pray for many of you that have had or are currently going through trials of your own. In love, hope and faith, Mark and Ane

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Going Home - YEA!!!

What a difference from yesterday morning to this morning! Mark is back to his humorous and happy self. He still gets nauseous and will stay on some medication for that, and he gets fatigued easily. But, he is eating again, and all his systems are back in working order. The only issue today is that his platelets are deficient. Normal is between 150-450, and he was down to 30, so he got one bag of platelets to put him up to 50. Actually, the only reason he is getting platelets is that the central line IV is being removed from his neck, and they don't want him to bleed! Once removed, the nurse will hold pressure on the spot for 5 minutes, then Mark will need to lie flat for half an hour. 

It's done. I watched the nurse pull out the 8-inch line. The tiny blue tip goes right to the heart. Amazing! (I got a picture of the IV line if you wanna see it!)

So here's the good thing about having low platelets:

Research shows that there are three indicators that IL-2 will more likely work to shrink tumors:

  1. Low blood pressure during the treatment, with the need for phenylephrine. Check - that happened.
  2. Low co2 (carbon dioxide). Low is below 20, and they don't like to go below that. Mark's got to 21, so close to the low level without going below. Check.
  3. Low platelets. Check - that happened. (BTW, our son Eric has given 86 units of platelets over the last 5 years!)
So, Mark's response indicates that he is more likely to respond positively to this treatment. Of course, no one really knows, but those indicators seem to be present for those patients who have had a durable response.

We should be leaving in less than an hour. Mark will not be able to drive for three days; he needs to rest, not lift anything heavy, do not get a neck massage (someone did that and got a blood clot), or do anything that could cause bleeding where the IV was removed from his neck. Otherwise, he should be back to normal in less than a week. Skin issues could still be a problem, but much of the redness has gone away, so he may not have the rash.

ROUND 1 is DONE! We're excited to go home!! I thought I'd get this posted before we leave, as I may have less time later. Thanks again for all the support, love, and prayers! 

With love and much appreciation to you all!!! 


  1. So grateful you’re coming home!!

  2. Relief to hear that he is resting comfortably. Keep praying for him and your family. Take care.

  3. Ane! Thank You! This was SO Wonderful to follow along the journey with you!! Love Love Love you Both!! Rest well you two!! Spending lots of love & white light and healing prayers! Julie

  4. We love you both and admire your faith and courage.

    The Seals

  5. I just read your posts from the past week. It sounds like Mark has been through a treatment not meant for a sissy! He’s such a good man. I keep reminding myself that a righteous man doesn’t die before his time! We love the two of you and are continuing to pray for both of you. Love, Robin Bullock

  6. Welcome home, President! And what great news on the indicators. We love you both and will continue to pray for great results!

  7. This post is very simple to read and appreciate without leaving any details out. Great work! Atomic Cookie
