
Late February of 2012 Mark was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma Cancer. This is written for our family and friends who have so caringly expressed a desire to know of the current situation. We so appreciate the love and support that has been shown to us and we lovingly empathize with and pray for many of you that have had or are currently going through trials of your own. In love, hope and faith, Mark and Ane

Monday, September 30, 2019

First Double-Immunotherapy Infusion

We're at the Providence Cancer Infusion Center just hanging out while Mark gets his first infusion of
Nivolumab (Opdivo) and  Ipilimumab (Yervoy).  Opdivo takes 30 minutes and Yervoy takes 90 minutes, plus blood draws, doc appointment, set up, waiting time, etc.  It will be about a 4 1/2 hour routine every three weeks. (Not bad!)

Dr. Urba reviewed the PET scan with us which showed that all of the tumors are resolved, but that doesn't mean that there are no cancer cells.  It takes millions of cancer cells to form a tumor.  There can be 100,00 cancer cells in an area, but not show up on a scan.  We know from past experience that each time Mark has gone off the medications, the cancer cells spread and grow quickly.

The medications that Mark has been on for the past several months, Mekinist and Taflinlar, have done a fantastic job of shrinking the tumors, but these meds will not eradicate all of the cancerous cells.  Having less cells to fight may give these new medications a better chance of a complete and durable response.

Mark will have 4 treatments with both drugs, every 3 weeks, and then will continue with the Nivolumab for a total of 2 years.  Last time we had one year of immunotherapy which was not durable, but did shrink and keep the tumors away for a year. We are hopeful that this regiment will do the job and finish off the cancer. But if not, we will continue playing "whack a mole" every time the cancer returns.  Hey, it's been 7 1/2 years already, and life has been good, so we can continue playing that game, as well.


  1. Good to see your smiling face. As expected it sounds like you have a plan in place. I will continue to lift you up in prayer...
