
Late February of 2012 Mark was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma Cancer. This is written for our family and friends who have so caringly expressed a desire to know of the current situation. We so appreciate the love and support that has been shown to us and we lovingly empathize with and pray for many of you that have had or are currently going through trials of your own. In love, hope and faith, Mark and Ane

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Another Ambulance Ride

On Monday, Mark felt good, still weak, but more energy, so we were looking forward to a fun week together before the Clone Wars began. Unfortunately, that didn't last long before he started running a low-grade fever, had severe chills, and was lethargic. While we hoped these were side effects of the cancer meds, they matched his symptoms before the last infection which went into sepsis shock. But, that didn't make sense because his labs continued to improve. Wednesday, when he went to his doctor appointment, we learned that his bilirubin count continued to move toward normal, indicating no blockage. So, what was going on?!!. 

Thursday morning, Mark awoke feeling even more exhausted than the day before. He managed a brief shower but started feeling faint. I helped him to the chair in the dressing room before he passed out for a few seconds. It wasn't long, but enough to remind me of the last episode. When he came to, he wanted to lie on the floor. He was so weak and pale!  Once he was situated, I grabbed my phone and called 911. They arrived at 8:15 am, and it didn't take long for them to determine that he needed to be transported to the Emergency Department, and Providence Portland was open.

I had a feeling that he would be staying, so I took time to pack. When I arrived, the decision had been made that he would be admitted. So he was in a holding area until a room became available. Finally, around 6 pm, he was taken to our favorite 7th floor, the cancer wing. That's where he would need to be on Monday, anyway. He continued being extremely weak, nauseous, chilled, and feverish. 

Friday morning, after more tests, the culprit was found. He has C-diff (Clostridium Difficile), a highly contagious bacteria in his stool caused by the antibiotic used to correct the last infection. It wiped out the good flora in his gut allowing this bacteria to grow. So he is on a different antibiotic, and today he is awake, eating, moving around, and feeling so much better. We're grateful for antibiotics, but they certainly can cause other problems! 

Dr. Taylor visited today and feels confident that the T-cell therapy can begin this coming Monday, the 18th. Another doctor would rather wait a few more days, but it all depends on the severity of his case and how Mark responds to the antibiotics. He will definitely be staying here until the Clone Wars begin. 

I got a room at the Providence Guesthouse, about two minutes away. It's nice to have a place for my belongings and especially to get a good night's sleep! Besides, I don't want to be anywhere near his bathroom! 

 So, once again, "Life is what happens when we're planning to do something else!" We've learned to roll with it, and it's incredible how so many things actually do work out--many tender mercies along the way. We feel so very blessed!!

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