Mark had been home for several days and is thoroughly enjoying his comfy bed, his big chair, and the view of our beautiful backyard. (He does not miss being poked with needles, being awakened multiple times during the night, trying to find a comfortable position on a lumpy mattress and the hospital food. Actually, he quit ordering it--just the smell would initiate his gage reflex.) Although it is still January, it feels like early spring--likely a teaser, but it has been rejuvenating.
Our children gathered to welcome him home. We shared tender moments and, of course, ended with lots of laughter as they related some of their past antics and adventures. We learn something new every time, although some we’ve probably just forgotten!
Mark is taking antibiotics to control the infection and C-Diff.
Nausea meds are used as needed. He is currently weak and takes lots of naps,
but fortunately, he has minimal pain, and his mind is clear. For that, we are most
grateful! As far as we can tell from CT scans, the tumors are stable.
For Mark’s 70th birthday, I gathered notes, cards, and special
messages that he has received over the past few years. The plan was to create a
notebook that he could peruse. Well, it ended up being three notebooks. One is
from work associates from Precoa, including the office staff, field management,
the sales team, and funeral home partners. Another book is from friends,
including messages from members of our church congregation. Last September, he
was released as a counselor in the Lake Oswego Stake Presidency after twelve
years of service. He was loved and revered. The third is a family book,
including artwork, poems, precious notes from our grandchildren, and sweet messages
from our children and their spouses. He loves sitting in his high-back
recliner, reading these tender tributes to him. They bring back cherished memories and remind him how much he is loved.
It’s delightful having him home and caring for him. He is always
so kind and appreciative. We’re not sure what the future holds, but we are
finding joy in each day we have together.