
Late February of 2012 Mark was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma Cancer. This is written for our family and friends who have so caringly expressed a desire to know of the current situation. We so appreciate the love and support that has been shown to us and we lovingly empathize with and pray for many of you that have had or are currently going through trials of your own. In love, hope and faith, Mark and Ane

Monday, September 23, 2024

More Life to Live, More Life to Give

 It’s been a long time coming, but it’s here—a website honoring Mark and supporting Dr. Matthew’s Taylor’s research that Mark believed could have saved his life. 

This link takes you to the website: 

More Life to Live

This YouTube video link is on the website and here for you to view:
Ten More Years with Mark

Please take the time to watch the video and peruse the website. My request is that share the website with anyone you know that has been affected by cancer. Pass it on to at least 5 individuals. This will help share the message.  Also, i
f you subscribe, like, and share the website and YouTube video, it can be more easily found.

Mark’s story and the research being done at Providence Cancer Institute gives hope for more life to those with a cancer diagnosis. 

Mark was eager to support Dr. Matthew Taylor’s research. You can learn more about his life’s work on the website at: 

Meet Dr. Matthew Taylor

Clinical trials will start late fall. The hope is that this treatment will help many types of cancer that can be treated with immunotherapy. 

If you would like to assist in his work, you can donate on the website or at this link: 
Support Dr. Taylor’s Research

All donations on this link will go directly to Dr. Taylor’s research. 

Thank you for your continued support! —Ane Hornibrook

Monday, February 19, 2024

Two Years Ago

 Mark’s funeral service was exactly two years ago today. He passed on the 9th of February, 2022. This year on the 9th, our children gathered at the cemetery to remember him with the monument that has been placed on his gravesite at Crescent Grove Cemetery, 9925 SW Greenburg Road, Tigard, OR 97223 (row 1009, next to the road). While we miss him everyday, memories are sweet. If you’d like to share a thought or memory, you can add to the Remembering Mark site.

With appreciation for the loving support over the last two years!
Ane & Family

Monday, May 8, 2023

25th Anniversary of CREATING HOPE

 The 25th Anniversary of the Providence Creating Hope Event is this Thursday, May 11, 2023. Our daughter Rachel will share her tender story of having ten more years with her dad because of advancements in cancer research. (I'll post a link when available.)

On Thursday morning, Rachel will have a short interview with a TV host on AM Northwest news channel sometime between 9-10 am. It you miss it, it can be viewed later.

The Creating Event on May 11th is sold out, but another opportunity will be available on May 19th — an ONLINE conversation with Dr.Walter Urba and Dr. Matthew Taylor. Mark was excited about Dr. Taylor's research project and wished it had been available when he needed it. We were fortunate to have both of these incredible doctors treat Mark. 

 Registration information is at this link:

 Jon Mohr will send another link to join the conversation to everyone who registers. I hope you will join in to learn more about this hopeful advancement in cancer research! 

In the future, I will post a link that will allow donations to be made In Memory of Mark Hornibrook.

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested.

With love and appreciation,




Sunday, February 27, 2022

With Appreciation

How grateful we are for all who have served and supported us in so many ways over the past decade! It was precisely ten years ago this month we learned of Mark's metastatic melanoma diagnosis. We started this blog in 2012, and we have continually felt the strength of your prayers and best wishes on our behalf.

The funeral service touched my heart with the beautiful music and inspiring messages. So many hours were spent on the delightful displays, printed programs, gorgeous flowers, cakes, and cookies, the tribute video and slide show, set-up and clean-up, and more. We appreciate each of you who helped in any capacity. It was humbling to have so many in attendance, including many out-of-town guests—thank you to all who came and those who joined virtually.

Reading the tender messages from cards, texts, emails, social media, and the Remembering Mark site has been sweet. More love has come in the form of fabulous food: a southern supper, a Tongan feast, breakfast casserole, lunch trays, fresh bread, cookies, cheesecake, and more. It rejuvenated our bodies and our souls. The love we have received in so many ways has sustained us. Thank-you.

Because of the many who have shared how Mark has touched their lives, I have realized more than ever that our mission was his cancer and how we dealt with it. His impact has been far-reaching, likely much more than if we had been called to serve a full-time church mission. His love for others and our Savior is a witness to what he believed and taught. I have certainly learned much from him throughout our time together.

Mark and I started dating 45 years ago in July, and we have been together almost constantly for the past ten years, so I feel lost without him. But, I also have had peace and a feeling that he is as near as possible, helping me through this process. I miss him and love him with all my heart!

The tribute video shown after the service in now on the Remembering Mark page. I particularly enjoyed watching the added surprise lip-sync with Mark and three of our sons at a Precoa All-Hands Meeting. It always bring a smile. Enjoy.

With love and genuine appreciation,

Ane & Family